Meet the staff: Andy Born

IMG_0045.CR2 Who am I?

I’m Andy Born and I’m from Rosemount, Minnesota. I’m a senior at UMD who is majoring in Journalism and minoring in Sociology. Life can be rough when you’re a basketball fanatic living in the “State of Hockey”.

What interests me?

I could talk about sports all day. It’s something that has always been an interest of mine, and I am a fan of just about any sport in some way. Basketball is far and away my favorite, with football being my second. There are a lot of perks to being a Packer fan, but talking smack to the Viking fans takes the cake. It’s all in good fun of course. Go Pack Go.

Why Duluth?

Duluth is close to home, but not too close. I feel like I’ve been living on my own, but can get back home in case of an emergency or if I just want to see family and friends for a weekend. I also love the outdoors and Duluth has plenty to do if you enjoy being outside, no matter the time of year.

My LakeVoice Position:

I am in charge of finding out what our audience is expecting from us, the Lake Voice News staff. I will also be keeping you updated with the latest news involving employment in Duluth.

Meet the staff: Joslyn Danielson

Meet the staff: Adam Quandt