Bulldog Q&A: What makes you proud to be a Bulldog?

q&a_XanderThiemann_pbMaeggieLicht-Statesman “I’m proud because of the large variety of ways to get involved, no matter what your interests are. You can reinvent yourself, or not.”—Xander “Floyd R. Turbo” Thiemann, civil engineering major.



“I’m proud to be a Bulldog because Duluth supports the true Minnesotan way of being a small, inclusive school that continues to evolve with society. It’s very much a school that focuses on students directly. It’s easy to access your chancellor or the heads of your department. Because of that accessibility that students have to hierarchy at UMD, it’s easier to make their voices heard and implement change.”—Chelsea Cansino, junior communication major and journalism and business administration minor.


BY MAEGGIE LICHT licht096@d.umn.edu


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