New Building to take up 58,000 square-feet of Darland lot

The University of Minnesota stated in their latest Capital Request, STEM Education “is critical to Minnesota’s economic prosperity, and chemistry is the gateway to STEM programs.” Therefore, UMD is building a brand new (Chemistry and Advanced Materials Science Building)CHEM Building in the upper left-hand corner of B-lot, otherwise known as the maroon parking lot by the Darland Administration Building. Construction is expected to start Spring 2016.

The need for the building is stated in the request, as “UMD’s current chemistry building (1948) is unable to support the technology, equipment, and flexible spaces needed for today’s education and research.”

The current chemistry classes are at capacity, with 5500 students enrolled in chemistry courses this year.

Here is the breakdown for the proposed building plan and capital request:


Project Description:

Construct on the Duluth campus a 58,000-square-foot science and engineering building with flexible wet and dry labs and modern utilities, environmental controls, and safety accommodations.



“Support the Legislature’s efforts to strengthen STEM education in Minnesota”

  • Increase STEM graduates sought by local industries and employers
  • Attract high-quality STEM faculty

“Conduct leading-edge research”

  • Create instrument-rich learning and research opportunities
  • Foster interdisciplinary environments to promote discovery


State Request: $27. 2 million

  • University investment: $13. 6 million
  • Total project cost: $40.8 million
  • 2014 state design investment: $1.5 million

Source: The 2016 Capital Request, University of Minnesota

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