APAA shines for the 25th year

BY EMILY NESS | The Statesman  

Diverse cultural traditions can be reflected not only in lifestyles but also in art.

“Every year the Culture Show includes a variety of performances and cuisine from different cultures”, Kaohlee Vue, the Asian Pacific American Association student programs coordinator, said.

“This year the APAA Culture Show will include performances from students of different ethnic backgrounds, food from different cultures and an exhibit displaying the different regions and cultures of the Asian/Pacific people,” she added.

On Saturday, Nov. 21, the University of Minnesota Duluth will be holding its annual Asian Pacific American Association (APAA) Culture Show.

“The APAA Annual Culture Show is a way to celebrate and share students' histories, cultures and traditions with the institution and community,” Vue said.

Dancing, singing and martial arts will take place at the event, containing rich and extensive history.

“The event will be held in the Kirby Ballroom from 6 to 9 p.m.,” APAA vice president Kaeblie Yang said.

Performers will be dressed in colorful, shimmering outfits showcasing their homelands.

This year’s theme is ‘Beyond the Boat’.

“The theme comes from the term ‘Fresh off the Boat,’” Jeffrey Vang, APAA Public Relations said. “We chose this theme because we want to go beyond those negative stereotypes and assumptions.”

This year is unique because it is the APAA’s 25th Anniversary. In honor of this, there will be additional exhibitions that have not been showcased in past years. The exhibits will also include a display of APAA's history and past events

According to Yang, there were roughly 200-250 people in attendance last year.

“We haven’t sold out yet but we are expecting full tables,” Vang said.

Members of both the APAA and the community are looking forward to the event.

“The Culture Show is APAA's biggest event throughout the year. The students dedicate a lot of time and energy into this event. I'm very proud of their hard work. I always appreciate seeing people from the inside and outside University communities attend the event to support the students. Therefore, I hope to everyone there,” Vue said.

Tickets cost $10 for UMD students, $12 for non-UMD students and children under 5 and adults over 65 are free.


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