A formal acquaintance
Hey. My name is Aloysia (ah-loh-sha), but my friends call me Elly. My real name is reserved for writing because it’s difficult for people to remember and use in face-to-face communication. It’s also an important family name, though, and I don’t want to let it be forgotten. It’s an almost perfect situation, really: everyone wants a pen name.
If you happen to see me out in public, it’d probably happen outside probably near Chester Bowl or Lake Superior, fishing or canoeing. Although, lately, it seems I only leave the office to either go to bed or play broomball. Even if I had more free time, though, I’d probably still spend it writing and reporting.
But forget all the above because the most important thing to know about me is my favorite cereal of all time is Apple Jacks. Give me some of that.
My Lake Voice position
Editor-in-chief. I spread the peanut butter on the toast, per se, making sure everything at this paper goes smoothly. I am the motivator, the decision-maker and the person who is ultimately responsible for everything that gets published. It’s pretty cool to be at the head of the flock, serving you and my staff, because I love helping people grow and I love Duluth.
Why I chose Duluth
Lake Superior. It’s in my blood. When I leave Duluth, I feel homesick without it. I spent my childhood fishing off the mouths of the Lake Superior streams or two miles out in a boat trolling brightly colored spoon lures 200 feet below.
It’s a place of memory and nature, but it also brings Duluth together. We all drink the water and we all live with its weather. And most importantly, almost all of us see it every day.
We see the big, rusty ships and butterfly-like sail boats; the dog-walkers on the beach and life-ponderers on the Lake Walk; the red towers flickering at night on the Wisconsin shore; the ferocious, foaming waves crashing into the pebble beach at Lester River; and the brown spirals from the St. Louis River mixing in with the lake’s blue waters. Lake Superior is a living being we all belong to.
Got a story lead or comment?
Feel free to email me at lakevoicenews@gmail.com or power270@d.umn.edu. Follow on Twitter at @PowerAloysia