Meet the staff: Taylor Jensen

IMG_0054edited Get to know me: Hi, my name is Taylor. If you need to know one thing about me it’s that I really like to write. I’ve always viewed myself as a decent writer and when I decided to go to UMD journalism just appeared to be the right future career choice for me. When I’m not busy with school stuff, I would say I have a pretty normal life. I love hanging out with my family and friends. I really enjoy physical activity, but I’d have to say running is my favorite thing to do. I would consider myself a laid- back individual and with that comes a go-with-the-flow type of attitude. I am for the most part willing to try new things and I think that’s why journalism fits me so well. My favorite color has been yellow since I was 3 years old and my all-time favorite cereal is Golden Grahams.

My LakeVoice Position: I am an editor for LakeVoice. Basically, my job as an editor is editing the written work of the people who write for LakeVoice. I will also be producing my own work that will be published on the site.

Why I chose Duluth: When I started looking at colleges my senior year of high school, the city of Duluth just felt like it was the right place for me to be. After visiting UMD, I decided that Duluth was for sure the place I wanted to be. What I found initially appealing about Duluth was its beauty. Duluth, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful cities in Minnesota. It was also completely different than any place I had ever been. While it kind of made me nervous, it intrigued me more than anything else. What I really love about Duluth is that you can make it as big or as small as you want it. Technically, Duluth is a decent sized city. I, however, grew up in a small town. Duluth still feels small enough for me when I need it to, but when I need the bigger city feel I always have that too. Duluth is a gorgeous city. I love the outdoor experiences you have here. One of my favorite things is the way the lift bridge looks all lit up against the dark night sky. I also love the beach at Park Point. It reminds me of being by an ocean. Duluth is really a place that you fall in love with and once you love it, you always will.

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Meet the staff: Zack Webster

Meet the staff: Ava Heinrich