What would you change about Duluth?

Lake Voice News writers, Brittney Bloch and Kim Hyatt, took to the streets interviewing everyday Duluthians on Friday, Nov. 22 along with guest photographer Sara Hughes, Things That Are Nice photography, to record the casual, cold conversations with people in the community.

Convincing Duluthians to stand an extra few minutes in the flurry for a Friday afternoon pop quiz was challenging. But the thing with Minnesota nice is, it embraces courtesy no matter the weather. Handing over the whiteboard and marker, they slid off their gloves, absorbing the questions and coming up with answers as simple or as complex as they wish. The blank platform collecting the flakes encouraging community-conscious ideas and advocacy was bouncing around from the hands of one Duluthian to the next.

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The motivation behind this project was simple: Lake Voice News wants to know the people of Duluth and tell the stories of our community. We heavily focus on hyperlocal journalism and want to be a creative, credible source of information, from the voices and events to the culture of this city. We want you to know Lake Voice News.

What's one thing you would change about Duluth? What's one thing you would keep the same?

Tell us on our Twitter, InstagramFacebook  and comment below to continue the conversation. Share this video and feel free to suggest other questions for our next video project.

Be sure to check out Lake Voice News each week for fresh, fun approaches to community journalism around this Great Lake.


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