Voice your opinion on Enbridge's Sandpiper Pipeline: public forum to be held at UMD, St. Scholastica

On Nov. 21, a public forum is being held to open up the discussion on Enbridge Energy’s proposed pipeline to the community. The Sandpiper Pipeline would create a brand new, 610 mile pipeline across northern Minnesota. It would be used to transport crude oil from the Bakken oil fields of North Dakota and the Tar Sands of Alberta to a refinery in Superior; from there, the oil would then be exported to other parts of the country and world. With the creation of this pipeline, Carlton County (the organic bread basket of Duluth), and many organic and sustainable farms, would be affected. Enbridge has recently announced that it may bypass the organic farms in Carlton Country, but their official filling still includes the route through this 'organic corridor' that holds great importance to the Northland region.

 The Democracy in Action: Voicing Your Opinion on Pipelines, Food, and Community forum is going to be hosting many different speakers to inform the public and spread awareness. The speakers include:

There forum will be held at two different times, doubling your chance to go. The first is in Weber Hall, at UMD, from 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. The second will be in Mitchell Auditorium, at St. Scholastica, from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.

This event is hosted by: the Carlton County Land Stewards; the Department of Geography, Urban, Environment and Sustainability Studies, UMD; Whole Foods Coop; Minnesota Public Interest Research Group, UMD Chapter; and the Alworth Center for the Study of Peace and Justice, College of St. Scholastica.

For more information, contact the Carlton County Land Stewards or email lakesuperiorregion@yahoo.com.

Driftwood is a part of Lake Voice dedicated to community members and events. We want to provide the Duluth community with an outlet for their stories, photos, news releases, and etc. You can find information about submissions here

Some pre-Thanksgiving entertainment

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