Congressman Rick Nolan to hold climate change forum at UMD

A Climate Change Forum.. Connecting the dots in the 8th district will be hosted by Congressman Rick Nolan, Citizens Climate Lobby and the Masters of Advocacy and Political Leadership at UMD on Nov. 16. Congressman Nolan will talk about the climate change and what the government can do to address the problem.

The forum will also include a panel of local scientists and industry leaders, and a discussion on the issues and solutions for the climate change problem. The science panelists include: Dr. John Pastor, Biologist; Dr. Tom Johnson, and Dr. Christina Gallup, both of whom are Paleo-climatologists. The industry panelists include: Gary Cerkvenik, Silicon Energy; and Julie Pierce, Manager of Resource Planning from Minnesota Power.

Both the Congressman and panel will answer questions from the audience. The organizations involved will have members available to talk with guests before and after the forum.

The forum is open to the general public and will be held at Bohannon Hall 90 at UMD, from 12:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.

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