Four Mile Portage kicks out old-time Appalachian tunes

To read more stories about Duluth's music scene, click the Northland Music logo above. Four Mile Portage is an old-time Appalachian folk and dance band that performs every Wednesday night at Amazing Grace Bakery in Canal Park. Tom Moloney, a banjo and guitar player, and his wife, Brandy Forsman, a fiddle player, started playing together 14 years ago. After being introduced to the music at the Sir Benedict’s Celtic Jam on Thursday nights, Moloney fell in love with the style of the music. A few months ago, guitarist and stand-up bass player, Kyle Ollah, joined the group.

The group said they enjoy the music’s free-flowing feel that allows them to express themselves on stage, no matter who's in the crowd. LakeVoice reporter Nathan Kruse went to Amazing Grace Bakery during one of Four Mile Portage's performances and has the story below.

Sir Ben's holds Celtic Jam every Thursday night

This Week's Theme: Kitten Week!